Dan Santat said I have to blog this. I think he told me that because it makes me look dumb, and Dan thinks that’s funny.
Anyway, here it goes.
Okay, so I was at BEA (BookExpo America) in NY last month. And he wasn’t.
This is young Dan, not at BEA . . .
The convention was great fun and I got to see lots of old friends and new ones.
But I also got to roam around the convention floor and pick up ARCs (Advanced Readers Copies) of upcoming releases BEFORE the book(s) debut.
So get this. Dan asks (well, he begged, actually) me to get him two ARCs.
Then, being me, I forgot which ones he wanted. So I texted him, and (t)hat’s when the confusion started . . .
Okay, it was clear that I was to get WONDERSTRUCK by Brian Selznick . . .
The book is brilliant and made my cry on the airplane back to Los Angeles . . .
(Those are a combo of tissues and napkins, on the right. The napkins had red logos on them. I don't want you to think I was bleeding on the plane.)
Anyway, the text about I WANT MY HAT BACK discombobulated me. At first, I thought that Dan had lost his hat and wanted it back.
Neither of the people above is Dan. However, one is Dan's agent and mine, Jodi Reamer, and we are both wearing hats that do not belong to Dan. It's exactly the sort of thing we do at our Annual Summit.
Oh, I digressed. Let's go back to NYC and over to Candlewick where I looked for Dan’s hat. I even ASKED SOMEONE if they had Dan Santat’s hat. (They said no.)
Then, I left and later recalled Dan also wanted me to see if any ARCs of books he had illustrated were at BEA, and I texted him again . . .
Can you see? Can you see from that text it sounded (to me) like he had illustrated I WANT MY HAT BACK.
I returned to Candlewick, embarrassed because Dan didn’t lose his hat and said to someone, “Do you have I WANT MY HAT BACK? My friend Dan Santat illustrated it.”
I was told (nicely), that they did not have that book that he illustrated, but they had I WANT MY HAT BACK that Jon Klassen wrote AND illustrated. There were no more copies left, but the really, really, nice person said she’d send me one.
And she did!!!
Oh, man. The book was sooooooooooo unbelievably wonderful, that even though I got it for Dan, I decided to keep it. (Do you ever do that? Get something for someone and then keep it for yourself? Please tell me you do, and that I’m not the only one.)
Okay, flash forward. Dan and I have lunch and I give him 50% of what he asked for, but then tell him, he can’t have the HAT book.
He was sad, but took it well . . .
Speaking of hats, Dan's not the only one who looks swell in a hat.
Here's someone else who could rival Princess Beatrice in the hat department. (All the hats Peepy is wearing were gifts from her fans)
And finally, in the continuing saga of Stuff in Lisa's Office, there's this . . .
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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