That's right, we were invited to appear on KCAL9 News at Noon (KCAL9 is a CBS affiliate). We got a little befuddled when we first arrived at the studio because we were handed a map. (I can't read maps). However, eventually we found the right building . . .
Peepy and I waited patiently in the lobby until we were called . . .
As we were escorted into the studio, they took one look at us and sent us to Make-up. Our make-up artist, Debbie Loggins, asked, "What color lipstick do you usually wear?" I answered, "Blistex."
Here's Debbie discovering cheekbones I didn't know I had!
Next it was Peepy's turn. Only, she's such a natural beauty that she didn't need much make-up at all . . .
We had some time before we were scheduled for our LIVE interview. So we explored the TV station . . .
Peepy hobnobbed with the athletes who just happened to be hanging around . . .
Then it was time to go into the studio!
We weren't nervous at all because David Gonzales and Sandra Mitchell were so nice.
They asked about one (or more) of the fascinating topics below:
1) Peepy's formula for fixing the economy.
2) How to help the Hawaiian Monk Seal.
3) Which was better -- the the original KARATE KID movie or the sequel?
4) What went into writing ALOHA, KANANI and GOOD JOB, KANANI.
To see the interview, CLICK HERE
Or read about and watch it HERE
We had so much fun and everyone was wonderful!!!!
NEXT BLOG: Researching the endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal on the island of Kaua'i.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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Lisa Yee
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