After touring Marie Antionette's petite village, Peep decided it was time to do two things she does well. Snack and shop.
We stopped off at a tres delicious chocolate shopped, and although we didn't have enough moola to get too much, we did manage one piece of chocolate each . . .
Next up, the gorgeous Galleries Lafayette . . .
Not only was the store magnificent, but here's the view from the roof. You can see the Paris Opera House where the Phantom hangs out, plus the Eiffel Tower in the distance . . .
Later, we went to a comic book store. They had TONS of IMPORTED comics!!! Only, they were all from America . . .
When we were in Italy, I had let Teen and Son each pick an Italian book. Son picked a translation of THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET . . .
So, I e-mailed pal/author/illustrator/Caldecott winner Brian Selznick to tell him. Brian sent me a list of suggestions for places to visit in Paris, including the train station where he went to research part of the book . . .
It was soooo cool, because later as we were roaming around the Latin Quarter, WE SAW THEM FILMING THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!
When we told Brian, he said that it was the very first day of filming!
Brian also told us about his friend who was in the film. And said that we should say "hello" to him, if we saw him.
The next day, we were wandering around and they were shooting again!
So when I saw Michael's trailer, I knocked on the door. Only, to be stopped by two TRES large security guys who only spoke French. However, when I yelled, "I am friends with Brian Selznick, the author," the trailer door opened.
And, in full costume, out stepped Rene Tabard. Oops, that's the character's name. Here's Michael Stuhlbarg, who also starred in the Coen Brother's A Serious Man . . .
We had a lovely time chatting with him. And then, as we left we saw Martin Scorsese! (He was flanked by an army of people.) Still, Peepy has now decided that she wants to become a movie star.
Perhaps Brian will write another book and pen a part for Peepy.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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