(Er, that's a reject sweatshirt jacket. The non-reject ones have the c-o-r-r-e-c-t spelling on them.)
For me and Peepy, it began with the faculty dinner check in (We're on the Board of Advisors. Well, one of us is. The other one sits at the meetings and looks good. I'll let you try to figure that one out.)
There was much mingling and wine and cheese, and the faculty was so stellar that (some of them) were bathed glittering rays of sunshine . . .
The SCBWI Faculty Dinner is a great place to meet up with old friends. It's also a great place to meet up with friends you haven't seen in a while. (Kidding!) Here's my (young) editor/skyper, Arthur Levine, running away from, er, greeting (young) author/trivia nemesis Gordon Korman in a nice demonstration of a bro-hug . . .
Emboldened by the hug, Arthur, along with BOBBY illustrator Dan Santat and Caledcott Medalist David Diaz thought they could fix the outdoor heater . . .
(They couldn't.)
That night, after dinner, Peeps and I hung out with some pals. Here's 1) Golden Kite winner/Silly Chick blogger Julia Durango, 2) Game Show Host/National Ambassador of Young People's Literature (Emeritus) Jon Scieszka with reclining National Book Award Winner MT Anderson, 3) agent Barry Goldblatt with Newbery Award Winner/Maggot Survior Linda Sue Park, and 4) Me and my friend . . .
Ah, what a great way to end an evening. Next blog: More Conference Confidential.
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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