However, I took time out to travel to Dino's Pizza. Here's Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy telling some chick, "I really like you, and you're spunky and have that British accent and all, but I wish I was at Dino's Pizza with Lisa."
(I think that might be Dino that Peepy's talking to. However, he was shy and we couldn't hear what he was saying.)
The food was great, but the company was even better. LOOK! LOOK!!! We ran into our Celebrity Judges from our Bodacious Book Contest!!! Is that an amazing coincidence, or what?
They were kind enough to autograph books for some of the winners. Here's Tom Warburton signing 1000 TIMES NO!
And here's Bob Boyle signing, HUGO, AND THE REALLY, REALLY, REALLY LONG STRING . . .
(BTW, we're still waiting to hear from JC-Nashvegas! JC, if we don't hear from you by Wednesday, your prize will go to someone else.)
It was our lucky day, because we also got to meet EVEN MORE talented guys in the throes of arrested development. The last time we met arrested development dudes, we were in Versailles and it was kind of swarming with paparazzi . . .
However, this time we were in Burbank . . .
Here's James Burks and Frank Rocco, with Peepy . . .
James has his debut picture book, GABBY & GATOR, coming our in the fall!
He also works on the Nickelodeon cartoon Fan Boy & Chum Chum. And Frank works on the animated series Kung Fu Panda . . .
(Not pictured: Frank or the Kung Fu Panda.)
All the cool-trendy-talented-illustrators draw on the benches at Dino's Pizza. So you know what the means, right???
Later, the guys started drawing on napkins. Hmmmm . . . like the Peepy homages, not so sure about the other one . . .
Disclaimer: No proofreaders were harmed (or even used) in the creation of this blog.
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